Minggu, 11 Mei 2008

Nurse work attitude

1. Nurse work attitude explanation
Gibson (1997), Explain attitude as positive feeling or Negative or Frame of mind always prepared, Studied and Regulated to pass experience that give special influence in somebody response towards person, Object and or conditon. Attitude more be behaviour determinant because, Attitude related to perception, Personality and Motivation.
Sada (2000), Will explain work attitude action that be taken employee and Everything that must be done employee proportional the result with effort that done. For example, If divide responsibility between top management with employee from the aspect of look at job. Both clear differ. Management must underwrite responsibility on product or Service but Only underwrite how make product or Service. If true the process so the result sure good.
Ikap work can be made what a job go well or Not. If work attitude is carried out well job will go. Otherwise mean will experience difficulty. But must be rememberred, Doesn't mean difficulty existence because not mempatuhinya work attitude, But there problem other again in connection between employee finally the work attitude is ignored. Must always be rememberred process will determine end result.
Aniek (2005) explain work attitude as idea inclination and Complacence or Not satisfied towards the job. Employee indication that felt satisfied in the job will strive, Honest, Not lazy and Come along to improve perusahaana. On the contrary employee not satisfied in the job work as delicious as it, Want to work if there supervision, Disingenuous, Final can harm to company.
Work attitude that perwat at home ill treatment service. Setyaningsih (2003), Explain service keperawatan as important part from well-being service that covers aspect bio-psiko-sosial-spiritual comprehensive that to individual, Family or Society that well also ill that include human life cycle. International council of nurses (setianingsih, 2003), Explain that keperawatan unique function helps individual ill or Well with activity appearance that keehatan or Convalescence until individual concerned can to care the well-being self when memilki strength, Strength and Erudition. While from workshop result keperawatan in january 1983 (setianingsih, 2003) formulated definition keperawatan a service form at well-being area that provided science and Trick keperawatan that attributed to individual, Family, Society both for ill also that well from the day borned until died. Service activity covers well-being enhanced efforts, Disease prevention, Restoration with well-being maintenance as according to authority, Responsibility with profession ethics keperawatan.
Based on explanation above so inferential that nurse work attitude nurse pisaller in service activity as according to ethics and Profession authority keperawatan as form from complacence inclination or Not satisfied towards the job
. Work attitude factors
Blum and naylor (aniek, 2005) have a notion that factor that influence work attitude:
A. Work condition.
Work situation that cover physical environment and or social environment that guarantees will influence freshment in will work. Pleasant taste existence will influence spirit and Employee quality.
B. Higher supervision.
A leadership that do supervision towards employee well and Full attention in general influential towards attitude and Employee work spirit.
C. Cooperation from coworker.
Coworker existence that can cooperate very will support quality and Accomplishment in finish job.

D. Security.
Safe taste existence that created with environment that awake will guarantee and Placidity increase in work.
E. Chance to progress.
Future guarantee existence better in the case of function promotion good career and Old day guarantee.
F. Work facilities
Sedianya facilitiess that used employee in the job.
G. Salary
Glad hope towards repayment that is given to company including main salary, Subsidy and As it that will influence employee attitude in will finish the job.
Based on explanation above, So can be pulled conclusion that factors that influence employee work attitude work condition, Higher supervision, Agreement from coworker, Security, Chance to progress, Work facilities and /salary wage

3. Work attitude supporter aspects
Osada (2000), Elaborate about aspects that support employee work attitude. Work attitude aspects divided to be 5 important matters, That is:

A. Pemilahan (as envious as)
Pemilahan mean memi everything with rule or Certain principle. Step that must be goed divide everything into group as according to sequence the importance and Divide it with decide which important and Which of vital importance. Pemilahan be base from work attitude.
B. Configuration (seiton)
Configuration to aim to cause the loss of livelihood process. Gived livelihood process abolition and Functional management by base in how a lot be kept in think/brain and Do on fast.
C. Cleaning (seiso)
Cleaning is one of [the] investigation form. Gived in cleaning investigation towards action that done and Creat work attitude doesn't has defect and or disgrace. The principle investigation and Cleanliness level.
D. Stabilization (seiketsu)
Stabilization means then menerus and According to recurrent to take care pemilahan, Configuration and The cleaning. . Principle from stabilization innovation and Self management to achieve and Take care condition that stabilized so that can do on fast.

E. Inuring (shitsuke)
Inuring means to embedded ability to do a certain by true. Principle that used creat a appropriate work attitude via habit and Good behaviour so that later employee can work well and Obey regulation.
Based on explanation above so inferential that aspects that support work attitude among others pemilahan, Configuration, Cleaning, Stabilization and Inuring. The aim creats a appropriate work attitude good habit and Good behaviour so that employee can work at ease and Obey regulation.

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