| Introduction Across the United States there is a need for thousands of nurses. However, you must carefully consider all of your options when going for the nursing job that is right for you. | When applying for your first nursing job be flexible and persistent in the hiring process. If you have your sights set on a specific nursing position within a hospital, you may have to take an alternative position and maneuver yourself into your dream nursing job. It may take a little networking to really find the job you love. If you are looking for a job in education as a nurse, you will have to have some work experience. | | Always have some type of long term plan. Generally speaking nurses that end up in hospital management and supervisory positions have a career plan. The nursing job you are currently in or working towards, will allow you to meet the key contact people in your field and location. Always take inventory of your skill level and experience. If your skill level has improved and your compensation has not, consider going for the nursing job you have always wanted. Some nurses end up going from job to job without any long term goals. Don't fall into this trap. | | If you have taken and passed the NCLEX exam and are in good standing with your state boards, you are a valuable resource. Always join your local professional associations to network with other skilled nurses. These individuals will be able to tell you about the local trends in the job market. | | Stay connected with graduates of your nursing program and recent alums. Many of the best nursing job tips come from classmates who know the hospitals and facilities in your job target region. | | Always exhibit a positive attitude even though a recruiter or hospital may not need your services at a given time. In the flow of business a nurse may quit that day, and a position may open up at any time. If you become rude or belligerent after receiving the bad news, remember that information travels. | |
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