Minggu, 25 Mei 2008

Assistant/Nurse: the TIDY project

n collaboration with Imperial College London: Academic Unit of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry

Salary: £26341 including LW, pro rata

We are seeking a Research Assistant to work on a study of an intervention for adolescent depression in primary care. The project will be led by Dr Steve Iliffe, Lonsdale Medical Centre in collaboration with colleagues at Imperial College.

You will be responsible for the supporting practices with recruitment of adolescents into the study and following up adolescents identified as depressed. You will be required to gather data (from adolescents and primary care practitioners), process and analyse it and to contribute to a report and research papers summarising the results of the study.

You should have a good degree in nursing, psychology or other health-related subject. You should also have previous experience of conducting health or psychology related research.

The post is part-time (2.5 to 3 days a week, by negotiation) for 9 months and will be based at the Lonsdale Medical Centre. (www.lonsdalemedicalcentre.nhs.uk)

For further information about the project send an email to Patricia Labro (p.labro@pcps.ucl.ac.uk)

Closing date: 5pm Friday 8th February

Interview date: Tuesday 19th February, between 0930 & 1200

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